Patent Filing Services

One of the most critical components of an international patent filing is an accurate patent translation.

Source IP provides filing-ready patent translations that meet the formatting requirements of each local patent office throughout the world. Our patent translations adhere to a comprehensive quality assurance process that involves a translator/subject matter expert, linguistic editor, and a patent attorney review. Our three-step translation approach is an industry leading practice that ensures the highest level of linguistic and technical accuracy.

Utilize source IP for a more cost-effective patent translation ready to file by your local counsel or through Source IP’s top tier network of foreign associates.  


Try our simplified estimate process. All we need is an application number and a list of target jurisdictions.

We guarantee that our invoices will always match our estimates!
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1. Project Manager Analysis
2. Patent Translator
3. Editor
4. Patent Attorney Reviewer
5. Filing
5. Client Delivery

Estimates made simple.

Try our simplified estimate process. All we need is an application number and a list of target jurisdictions.
We guarantee that our invoices will always match our estimates!
Request an Estimate

PCT National Phase

Source IP provides high-quality patent translations for all PCT contracting states for respective 30/31-month national phase filing deadlines. With decades of industry experience, Source IP’s knowledge of all available translation extensions for PCT National Phase allows us to maximize the amount of time for the translation process. Source IP can work under the tightest deadlines and deliver same-day translation orders for last-minute filing deadlines. Our filing-ready patent translation service for PCT National Phase incorporates our three-step quality assurance process with a final patent attorney review that ensures compliance with the technical and formatting requirements of each local patent office.  

File  Priority Application
File PCT Application
12 Months
PCT Application is Published
18 Months
PCT  Applications is Published
PCT National Phase Deadline
30/31 Months



Source IP will provide you with an accurate estimate so you or your client can make the most informed decisions.

Client Instructions

Source IP receives your instructions and confirms scope of project, documents, reference numbers, statutory deadlines and all other relevant project details.  We then present our proposed delivery schedule so you can plan accordingly.

Powers of Attorney

Source IP aggregates all required powers of attorney and assignment forms and provides them to you pre-filled to the maximum extent possible. Once you or your client complete your sections of the forms they are sent to our agents and added to the prosecution file.

Global Filing

Our network of top-tier agents is tasked with filing the application in accordance with all local requirements.  Translations are completed and run through our multi-step quality assurance process, and powers of attorney and assignment forms are reviewed.  Everything is filed timely filed with initial confirmations being sent immediately.


Upon completion, Source IP will confirm all deadlines have been met and report locally assigned application numbers as they become available.

EP Validation

EP Validation in most member states involves a high-quality patent translation of all or part of the granted patent into the local language of court proceedings. Source IP helps to identify significant cost-savings in the translation process through our specialized knowledge of translation requirements for each EP member state. Source IP’s patent translation service for EP Validation meets the technical and formatting requirements for each local patent office and will be delivered ready for filing. Our industry leading quality assurance process incorporates multiple levels of review with a translator/subject matter expert, linguistic editor, and a patent attorney review.

Notice of Intent to Grant
EPO Grant Publication
4 Months
Validation Deadline
3 Months



Source IP will provide you with an accurate estimate so you or your client can make the most informed decisions.

Client Instructions

Source IP receives your instructions and confirms scope of project, documents, reference numbers, statutory deadlines and all other relevant project details.  We then present our proposed delivery schedule so you can plan accordingly.

Powers of Attorney

Source IP aggregates all required powers of attorney and assignment forms and provides them to you pre-filled to the maximum extent possible.  Once you or your client complete your sections of the forms they are sent to our agents and added to the prosecution file.


Our network of top-tier agents is tasked with filing the application in accordance with all local requirements.  Translations are completed and run through our multi-step quality assurance process, and powers of attorney and assignment forms are reviewed.  Everything is filed timely filed with initial confirmations being sent immediately.


Upon completion, Source IP will confirm all deadlines have been met and report locally assigned application numbers as they become available.

Paris Convention / Direct Filing

Source IP specializes in patent translations under the Paris Convention treaty, also known as Direct Filing.  Two of the most common reasons applicants file via the Paris convention are accessibility to non-PCT countries such as Argentina, Venezuela and Taiwan or a very defined patent filing strategy foregoing the  broad protection provided by the PCT.  These filings often involve decisions close to the filing deadline and last-minute updates to the text that must be incorporated into our high-quality patent translations. Source IP’s global presence enables us to provide sworn translations to meet all local patent filing requirements. Global law firms and corporations consistently rely on our knowledge and expertise to ensure all translation requirements are met while taking advantage of significant cost savings in the process. Our filing-ready patent translation service for Paris Convention incorporates our three-step quality assurance process with a final patent attorney review.

File Priority Application
Priority Deadline
12 Months



Source IP will provide you with an accurate estimate so you or your client can make the most informed decisions.

Client Instructions

Source IP receives your instructions and confirms scope of project, documents, reference numbers, statutory deadlines and all other relevant project details.  We then present our proposed delivery schedule so you can plan accordingly.

Global Filing

Our network of top-tier agents is tasked with filing the application in accordance with all local requirements.  Translations are completed and run through our multi-step quality assurance process, and powers of attorney and assignment forms are reviewed.  Everything is filed timely filed with initial confirmations being sent immediately.


Upon completion, Source IP will confirm all deadlines have been met and report locally assigned application numbers as they become available.